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jen holden


Happy New Year! This is the time of year we all try to make changes in our lives. A New Year resolution has a 46% more chance of success than a change implemented at any other time of the year. I challenge you all to make a resolution that involves the American Legion. Here are some resolutions that we, as Legionnaires, can make to impact our Post in 2024. 

- Attend the Post meeting: this occurs on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM. The meeting is typically less than 30 minutes.

- Participate in a Post event.

- Attend a breakfast.

- Help decorate the Post for a holiday.

- Make a phone call once a month to a fellow Legionnaire to check in.

- Become a member of the E-Board or part of the committees that get things accomplished around the Post.

- Participate in the Post Clean-up once every other month.

This is your Post and it cannot sustain itself without you and your support. If you want to get involved please come to the Post meeting and we will get you hooked up with the right people. I sincerely appreciate each one of you and the unique experiences you all bring to Post. Let’s make 2024 the year of revitalization of our Post and our activities!

june flyers